Author nagata nobuori

Suuji de Sukuu! Jyakushou Kokka

["Alternative : Saving with Numbers! A Small and Weak Nation","数字で救う! 弱小国家 電卓で戦争する方法を求めよ。ただし敵は剣と火薬で武装しているものとする。","数字で救う!弱小国家"]

Updated: February 09, 2022 23:52

Ranked: #36909
Popularity: #27264
Rated 0 / 5 based on 0 votes.

Suuji de Sukuu! Jyakushou Kokka summary: With tensions between the neighboring country rising signaling the presence of a war soon to begin, Soalla, the princess of a small country, worried whether her own country would be able to defend itself with its weak national power. The king was bedridden...

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