Autophagy Regulation

["噬规者 (Chinese)","룰브레이커 (Korean)","Autophagy Regulation","Macrophage Regulation","Macrophage: The Devourer (English)","Shì guī zhě","To Break The Original Rules","ShiGuiZhe","The Rule Breaker"]

Updated: February 23, 2022 12:56

Status: ongoing
Action Supernatural Adventure Fantasy Shounen Manhua
1 Chapter 1 : Trailer
2 Chapter 2 : The Rookie Police
3 Chapter 3 : Bai Yun Pavilion
4 Chapter 4 : The One Who Does Not Rot
5 Chapter 5 : Dance Of The Grim Reaper
6 Chapter 6 : The Heart Eater
7 Chapter 7 : Twin Tail Fox Spirit
8 Chapter 8 : The Fuzzy Truth
9 Chapter 9 : Autophagy Bureau
10 Chapter 10 : A Returning Rookie
11 Chapter 11 : An Unknown Danger
12 Chapter 12 : Adversity
13 Chapter 13 : Chapter 12
14 Chapter 14 : The Harvester Of Souls
15 Chapter 15 : Striking Back
16 Chapter 16 : Instigator
17 Chapter 17 : Making Choices
18 Chapter 18 : The Investigator
19 Chapter 19 : Chapter 18
20 Chapter 20 : Investigating The Church
21 Chapter 21 : Captain Captain
22 Chapter 22 : Chapter 21
23 Chapter 23 : You Dont Know
24 Chapter 24 : I Am God
25 Chapter 25 : Difference
26 Chapter 26 : This Is Just The Beginning
27 Chapter 27 : Chapter 26
28 Chapter 28 : Ryan Vs Ignatius
29 Chapter 29 : The Past
30 Chapter 30 : Chapter 29
31 Chapter 31 : Rules
32 Chapter 32 : Chapter 31
33 Chapter 33 : Chapter 32
34 Chapter 34 : Chapter 33
35 Chapter 35 : Soul
36 Chapter 36 : Going Home
37 Chapter 37 : Chapter 36
38 Chapter 38 : Reunion
39 Chapter 39 : Chapter 38
40 Chapter 40 : Chapter 39
41 Chapter 41 : Chapter 40
42 Chapter 42 : Chapter 41
43 Chapter 43 : Only The Strong Will Survive
44 Chapter 44 : 1 Vs 4
45 Chapter 45 : Illusion Lion Aurcus
46 Chapter 46 : Chapter 45
47 Chapter 47 : Chapter 46
48 Chapter 48 : Innermost Fears
49 Chapter 49 : Group 999 Eternal Day
50 Chapter 50 : Chapter 49
51 Chapter 51 : Everything Is A Natural Phenomenon
52 Chapter 52 : Chapter 51
53 Chapter 53 : Chapter 52
54 Chapter 54 : Chapter 53
55 Chapter 55 : Chapter 54
56 Chapter 56 : Chapter 55
57 Chapter 57 : Chapter 56
58 Chapter 58 : Chapter 57
59 Chapter 59 : The Gate Of The Demon Realm
60 Chapter 60 : The Demon Realm
61 Chapter 61 : The Pandemonium Tower
62 Chapter 62 : Everyone Is Equal
63 Chapter 63 : The Key
64 Chapter 64 : Preparations
65 Chapter 65 : Drawing Lots
66 Chapter 66 : Don't worry, we're strong
67 Chapter 67 : The Competition Begins
68 Chapter 68 : Nanjing House Vs The Holy Knights
69 Chapter 69 : Battle
70 Chapter 70 : We Die Together!
71 Chapter 71 : Basil Bryne
72 Chapter 72 : False Fame
73 Chapter 73 : Small Tricks
74 Chapter 74 : Self-Confidence Is Also A Faith
75 Chapter 75 : The Withdrawal
76 Chapter 76 : Ignatius's First Battle
77 Chapter 77 : Ryan's battle debut
78 Chapter 78 : Fire And Ice
79 Chapter 79 : Spatial Shift
80 Chapter 80 : Crimson Soul Flame
81 Chapter 81 : Extreme Speed
82 Chapter 82 : Can't lose no matter what
83 Chapter 83 : Admitting Defeat
84 Chapter 84 : Chaos
85 Chapter 85 : The King Of The Demon Realm
86 Chapter 86 : The Nine Elders
87 Chapter 87 : Speed Vs Space
88 Chapter 88 : Di Mu
89 Chapter 89 : The Eye Of Heaven Unsealed
90 Chapter 90 : Counterattack
91 Chapter 91 : Lady Nan Xi
92 Chapter 92 : Guard This Place Even If You Die!
93 Chapter 93 : The Eye Of Heaven Vs Bai
94 Chapter 94 : From Today Onwards, We Are Your Family
95 Chapter 95 : Home
96 Chapter 96 : You Need To Live On This Time
97 Chapter 97 : Neville Enters The Battle
98 Chapter 98 : Going Together
99 Chapter 99 : The Guide
100 Chapter 100 : What's the point of the Autophagy Bureau
101 Chapter 101 : Blood Ties
102 Chapter 102 : A Battle On A Different Dimension
103 Chapter 103 : Autophagy Bureau? So What?
104 Chapter 104 : The Collapse Of The Autophagy Bureau
105 Chapter 105 : Beyond The Door...
106 Chapter 106 : The River Of Life
107 Chapter 107 : Can't face him
108 Chapter 108 : Completely Ignored
109 Chapter 109 : Can't go beyond this world's rules after all
110 Chapter 110 : Creator
111 Chapter 111 : The World that doesn't belong to us
112 Chapter 112 : Chapter 111
113 Chapter 113 : Replacing Autophagy Bureau
114 Chapter 114 : Bai Yun Pavilion's Crisis
115 Chapter 115 : Eye Of The Storm
116 Chapter 116 : Not Us, But Me
117 Chapter 117 : The Inevitable War
118 Chapter 118 : Hope Was Never Something That Could Obtained From Prayers
119 Chapter 119 : Different Standing Point
120 Chapter 120 : The Return
121 Chapter 121 : Genius
122 Chapter 122 : This Is My Fight
123 Chapter 123 : Nobody Leaves
124 Chapter 124 : Enemies don't last forever
125 Chapter 125 : A Common Enemy
126 Chapter 126 : Start Of The War
127 Chapter 127 : Compromise
128 Chapter 128 : Separating Work And Private Life
129 Chapter 129 : We're both mothers
130 Chapter 130 : The Weak Will Eventually Be Eliminated
131 Chapter 131 : The Gathering of the Holy Knights' members
132 Chapter 132 : Things Will Resist Against Opposition When They Become Too Extreme
133 Chapter 133 : 3 Vs 2
134 Chapter 134 : Immortal
135 Chapter 135 : Chapter 134
136 Chapter 136 : Chapter 135
137 Chapter 137 : Foreign Assistance
138 Chapter 138 : The Hunt Begins
139 Chapter 139 : Spring Cleaning
140 Chapter 140 : Look Down On Yourself, Look Clearly At Yourself
141 Chapter 141 : That's All Me
142 Chapter 142 : Absolute Equality
143 Chapter 143 : Friends
144 Chapter 144 : As Long As I Become Stronger, Nothing Else Matters
145 Chapter 145 : Special Training Begins
146 Chapter 146 : Assassination
147 Chapter 147 : Partnership
148 Chapter 148 : Choices
149 Chapter 149 : Rae Candice
150 Chapter 150 : Chapter 149
151 Chapter 151 : Preparing To Take Action
152 Chapter 152 : Marching Towards A New Era
153 Chapter 153 : Chapter 152
154 Chapter 154 : Chapter 153
155 Chapter 155 : Chapter 154
156 Chapter 156 : Chapter 155
157 Chapter 157 : Chapter 156
158 Chapter 158 : Chapter 157
159 Chapter 159 : Chapter 158
160 Chapter 160 : Chapter 159
161 Chapter 161 : Chapter 160
162 Chapter 162 : Chapter 161
163 Chapter 163 : Chapter 162
164 Chapter 164 : Chapter 163
165 Chapter 165 : Chapter 164
166 Chapter 166 : Chapter 165
167 Chapter 167 : Chapter 166
168 Chapter 168 : This Is My Choice
169 Chapter 169 : The ?small Stone? Debut
170 Chapter 170 : Chapter 169
171 Chapter 171 : Chapter 170
172 Chapter 172 : Chapter 171
173 Chapter 173 : Chapter 172
174 Chapter 174 : Chapter 173
175 Chapter 175 : Chapter 174
176 Chapter 176 : Chapter 175
177 Chapter 177 : Chapter 176
178 Chapter 178 : Chapter 177
179 Chapter 179 : Chapter 178
180 Chapter 180 : Chapter 179
181 Chapter 181 : Chapter 180
182 Chapter 182 : Chapter 181
183 Chapter 183 : Chapter 182
184 Chapter 184 : Chapter 183
185 Chapter 185 : Chapter 184
186 Chapter 186 : Chapter 185
187 Chapter 187 : Chapter 186
188 Chapter 188 : Chapter 187
189 Chapter 189 : Chapter 188
190 Chapter 190 : Chapter 189
191 Chapter 191 : Ignatius' Choice
192 Chapter 192 : Chapter 191
193 Chapter 193 : Patti's Shadow
194 Chapter 194 : Ace In The Hole
195 Chapter 195 : Chapter 194
196 Chapter 196 : Black Hole
197 Chapter 197 : Hand-To-Hand Combat
198 Chapter 198 : In That Case, I Won't be Polite
199 Chapter 199 : Fatal Petty Trick
200 Chapter 200 : Chapter 199
201 Chapter 201 : To Be Crushed
202 Chapter 202 : The Holy Knights Viola
203 Chapter 203 : Guard
204 Chapter 204 : One On One
205 Chapter 205 : This Time, I'll Fight for Everyone
206 Chapter 206 : The Battle Of A Boor
207 Chapter 207 : Holding It Up
208 Chapter 208 : Killing Machine
209 Chapter 209 : Completely Defeated
210 Chapter 210 : Help
211 Chapter 211 : Before The Final Battle
212 Chapter 212 : Ryan Vs Basil
213 Chapter 213 : Powerful Backup
214 Chapter 214 : Chapter 213
215 Chapter 215 : Balrog's Appearance
216 Chapter 216 : Nemesis
217 Chapter 217 : Invincible
218 Chapter 218 : Chapter 217
219 Chapter 219 : Presumptuous
220 Chapter 220 : A Tragic Ending
221 Chapter 221 : Is This The Beginning Or The End?
222 Chapter 222 : Pawns
223 Chapter 223 : Revive Him
224 Chapter 224 : The Black and White Guards of Impermanence
225 Chapter 225 : The Underworld
226 Chapter 226 : Out of Body Experience
227 Chapter 227 : Set Off to The Underworld
228 Chapter 228 : An Unfamiliar Stage
229 Chapter 229 : God's Bodyguard
230 Chapter 230 : Race War
231 Chapter 231 : God's Bodyguard Esther
232 Chapter 232 : A Gamble
233 Chapter 233 : The Jelly Man
234 Chapter 234 : The Lone Wolf
235 Chapter 235 : Afterlife Returner
236 Chapter 236 : You're Far Behind Him.
237 Chapter 237 : The Twelve True Gods (Part 1)
238 Chapter 238 : The Twelve True Gods (Part 2)
239 Chapter 239 : The Gap
240 Chapter 240 : Zero Probability
241 Chapter 241 : Orginal Godhood
242 Chapter 242 : Fear
243 Chapter 243 : Protect
244 Chapter 244 : Testing Their Capabilities
245 Chapter 245 : The Way Down the Mountain
246 Chapter 246 : The First Day of Special Training
247 Chapter 247 : Riots
248 Chapter 248 : Cooperation
249 Chapter 249 : Please Protect Them
250 Chapter 250 : Demon King's Wraith
251 Chapter 251 : Entire Nation in Arms
252 Chapter 252 : No Negotiation, Only War
253 Chapter 253 : You Have To Pass Through Me First.
254 Chapter 254 : Hired fighter? Join Hands?
255 Chapter 255 : Surrounded
256 Chapter 256 : God of Fear
257 Chapter 257 : Unbeatable
258 Chapter 258 : King
259 Chapter 259 : Never Surrender
260 Chapter 260 : Ask for Help
261 Chapter 261 : Aperture Pillar
262 Chapter 262 : A Chance Meeting
263 Chapter 263 : A Lingering Ghost
264 Chapter 264 : Determination
265 Chapter 265 : A Test
266 Chapter 266 : The Scaly Beast
267 Chapter 267 : Apprenticed To A Master
268 Chapter 268 : Training
269 Chapter 269 : Settle
270 Chapter 270 : Temperature
271 Chapter 271 : Seed
272 Chapter 272 : A Game Of Chess
273 Chapter 273 : Return To The Human World
274 Chapter 274 : Paying A Visit
275 Chapter 275 : Bargaining
276 Chapter 276 : Family
277 Chapter 277 : Each Of Their Respective Plans (Part 1)
278 Chapter 278 : Respective Plans
279 Chapter 279 : Each Of Their Respective Plans (Part 2)
280 Chapter 280 : A Deal
281 Chapter 281 : Chapter 279
282 Chapter 282 : Chapter 280
283 Chapter 283 : Chapter 281
284 Chapter 284 : Chapter 282
285 Chapter 285 : Chapter 283
286 Chapter 286 : Chapter 284
287 Chapter 287 : Chapter 285
288 Chapter 288 : Chapter 286
289 Chapter 289 : Chapter 287
290 Chapter 290 : Chapter 288
291 Chapter 291 : Chapter 289
292 Chapter 292 : Chapter 290
293 Chapter 293 : Chapter 291
294 Chapter 294 : Chapter 292
295 Chapter 295 : Chapter 293
296 Chapter 296 : Chapter 294
297 Chapter 297 : Chapter 295
298 Chapter 298 : Chapter 296
299 Chapter 299 : Chapter 297
300 Chapter 300 : Chapter 298
301 Chapter 301 : Chapter 299
302 Chapter 302 : Chapter 300
303 Chapter 303 : Chapter 301
304 Chapter 304 : Chapter 302
305 Chapter 305 : Chapter 303
306 Chapter 306 : Chapter 304
307 Chapter 307 : Chapter 305
308 Chapter 308 : Chapter 306
309 Chapter 309 : Chapter 307
310 Chapter 310 : Chapter 308
311 Chapter 311 : Chapter 309
312 Chapter 312 : Chapter 311
313 Chapter 313 : Chapter 312
314 Chapter 314 : Chapter 313
315 Chapter 315 : Chapter 314
316 Chapter 316 : Chapter 315
317 Chapter 317 : Chapter 316

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